2017 sherwood ford classic car show

Get Ready for Sherwood Ford’s Annual Car Show!

Sherwood Ford All Ford Classic Car Show 2017

Each year, our Sherwood Ford team partners up with Castrol Raceway to bring Ford lovers the annual All Ford Classic Car Show. This year is going to be better than ever with the raceway’s customer appreciation day falling on the same day as the show and the ever popular Gear for Guys giveaway of a Sherwood Ford Mustang GT. Sunday, August 20, 2017, is the date set for festivities and you won’t want to miss out on all of the fun. Read the rest of this entry >>

Where to adopt a pet in Edmonton AB

Adopt-A-Pet-Athon Day Recap

Where to adopt cats and dogs in Edmonton AB

On Saturday, March 25, our dealership was home to a group of furry friends looking for a forever home! Folks in Sherwood Park and the greater Edmonton area really came through to help raise over $5,000 in an effort to make a difference in the lives of furry friends and their new owners. The happy furry friends can aid their owners in a number of ways that include lessening stress, encouragement to get out of the house, and providing unconditional love!

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