All posts by Scotti's Auto Sales

Finding the Ideal Family Car

My, my, how things have changed. If you were alive in the 1980s and 90s, you probably see the words “ideal family vehicle” and immediately think of minivans and station wagons and their shall we say, less than aesthetically pleasing designs. Fear not, consumers. Just because a vehicle is ideal for family life, it no longer means being, dull, boring, and complacent with being a part of the “no-frills” crowd. Today’s vehicles intended for consumers with kids are a lot more interesting and pleasing than they once were. We’ve taken a few moments to provide some options. 

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Why You Should Own a 2016 BMW 4 Series

For many car enthusiasts and owners alike, the letters BMW need little to no introduction. For decades, the German-based manufacturer has symbolized precision engineering, high octane performance, and unsurpassed luxury. For the average consumer, the various models and trim lines feel out of reach and are made for only an elite class of people. Nonsense. Owning a 2016 BMW 4 Series 2016 4 series is well within your reach at Scotti’s Auto Sales. And if you need further convincing, we’re about to break down the advantages of owning one…


Five New Year’s Resolutions for Car Owners

From all of us at Scotti’s Auto Sales, we wish to extend a warm and wonderful new year to all of our customers, old and new. The new year means that a whole new fleet of makes and models will soon be hitting the road and finding a new home in someone’s driveway. To ensure that your investment stays on the road, we’ve compiled some resolutions that are easy to follow and will be highly beneficial for your vehicle

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Tips on Driving When the Weather Stinks

You’ve just washed your car and have planned that little getaway for the weekend, what a time to be alive. There’s just one problem–the weather. It could be one of those days where everything else is perfect but it just so happens that you’re maybe in for some heavy rain, fog, and everything in between. It happens to the best of us when we least expect it. And we say best of us, we’re talking about experienced drivers who have a great track record of avoiding accidents. Even for them, things can get hairy. That’s why today we have some great tips on safe driving during terrible weather conditions. 

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Should You Buy a Used Porsche?

When it comes to dream purchases or possession you’ve always coveted, putting them off in the distance can be painful. Why should you wait for such a long time to have something you’ve always wanted? For starters, that Porsche you’ve always dreamt of but assumed was completely out of your grasp. Getting one has never been easier, and Scotti’s Auto Sales have plenty of used models that have a plethora of advantages. 

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What to Do When Your Car Overheats

There’re a few things in life that are certain—death, taxes, and your car will experience some form of mechanical turmoil at some point. While some issues can be prevented with routine maintenance, some are more unexpected than others. One of these is overheating. While today’s engines are equipped with advanced cooling systems that are designed to prevent the problem from happening, it still does. 

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